FiveM Artifacts DB

An open source project by JG Scripts. View it on GitHub.

Latest* artifact with no reported issues12817


*Note:There is a wait period of up to 1 week before the very newest artifact is recommended, to allow time for issues to be reported.

Artifacts with reported issues:

Know an issue? Report it here
12509Failed build, ignore
12255Unconfirmed, but several reports of server-side issues that don't persist when downgrading; best to avoid
12160-12165Cannot use entity native calls in entityRemoved
12151Crashing if using newest title update (TU)
12092-12135SetPlayerModel may cause SIGSEGV crashes on some clients due to changes in player handling. 12031 and below works fine.
12078-12083Some clients will fail to connect with 'ReadBulk of header failed' error
10930Failed build, ignore
10268-10309sv_experimentalNetGameEventHandler enabled by default; can cause server crashing and reports of issues downgrading after upgrading
10191GetVehicleNumberPlateText server native broken, will cause issues with scripts involving vehicles
10072Crashing when players join
8509State bags not replicated to clients